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Shunting Job with G2000BB Diesel Locomotive RFO Rail Force One
G2000 Diesel Locomotive RFO Shunting with Rails Train !
Seldom Train Locomotives Consist RFO Rail-Force-One
Seldom Rare Locomotives Consist RFO Rail Force One
G2000BB Diesel Lok IRP Independence Rail Partner(s) met Ketelwagen Trein te Blerick Nederland 8.4.21
LOCON G2000BB Shunting # 2
1103 Vossloh G2000BB RRF met goederentrein passeert station Antwerpen Noorderdokken 15 NOV 2013
2 G2000BB Diesel Locomotives Train IRP ? at Blerick the NL 14.4.2017
Diesel Lok G2000BB IRP , Independent Rail Partner met Container Trein te Blerick Ned 25 Sept 2020!!
1101, Vossloh G2000BB, RRF, passeert met containertrein rangeerterrein Kijfhoek
Vossloh G2000BB 2104
30 januari 2020